Selenium is arguably the most popular automated software testing tool among web developers and testers. It was first released in 2004, and it has evolved considerably since then. The latest version of Selenium consists of several components, including Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver.

1. Selenium

Appium is an automated software testing tool for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. With mobile apps on the rise and major app stores becoming increasingly competitive, there is an urgent need to deliver only quality apps to the consumer.

2. Appium

Katalon Studio is a cross-platform automation testing solution built on top of the Selenium and Appium frameworks. It’s completely free, easy to deploy, and its active community of over 100,000 automation testers has created a wealth of tutorials and guides that make learning how to use Katalon Studio effortless.

3. Katalon Studio

Cucumber is a popular automated software testing tool that supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD), which is a software development process that implements important acceptance test scenarios while development is in progress in order to help organizations get most out of software testing.

4. Cucumber

Eggplant Functional was conceived by Doug Simons, Jonathan Gillaspie, and John McIntosh and first released in 2002 by Redstone Software. Unlike other automated software testing tools on this list, Eggplant Functional uses an image-based approach to testing, as opposed to looking at the tested application from the object perspective. This means that the technology used to build the tested application is irrelevant, as is the system on which the application runs.

5. Eggplant Functional